Global Hot Shot - Local and worldwide expedited delivery services up to 10,000 pounds.
When only the fastest, most personal service will GHS.  Direct.  Expedited.
"Customer Service" is our #1 product.   "Safety First" is our philosophy.


Phone: (775) 530-6800     FAX: (347) 246-0867     Email     WORD docx     PDF Form
  • Call, email, FAX, or use the WORD file or PDF form (links above) to communicate your request. 
    The PDF document is a convenient form that allows typing of your information directly into the fields.
  • Upon receipt of your information, we will respond with the availability of resources and
    agree on a rate and estimated time of arrival (ETA) for pick-up of your shipment.
  • Once the shipper issues a purchase order number, a driver will be dispatched to the pick-up location. 
    If the order is cancelled before the driver arrives for pick-up, the shipper is responsible for the costs
    incurred, at the agreed rates, for more than five (5) miles of driving to the pick-up point from the
    driver's location, at the time of dispatch.
  • There are three driving legs to a HOT SHOT delivery; to the pick-up point (dispatch leg), to the
    delivery point (delivery leg), and, in the case of deliveries over 25-miles, a return leg to the base
    (base leg).  Each leg can have a different rate.  The rates for your shipment will be
    provided in writing.
  • Global Hot Shot will provide you with a complete record of the pick-up, route updates, and delivery
    information.  The Delivery Order (DO) form serves as our order form and "Proof of Delivery".
    It will be provided as documentation of the shipment.  Please let us know if we can help you by providing
    additional documentation or services.
  • Upon delivery, the DO will be provided along with an invoice for payment.  Payment can be made
    by cash, credit card, or company check.  Extended NET Terms can be arranged in advance with a credit
    application.  Global Hot Shot also participates in paperless, online invoicing and payment systems.

Call us to discuss your requirements.  We are highly flexible and can tailor a solution to fit your business.

Services are provided from our Reno, Nevada base for delivery into 11 western states; a radius of approximately 1,200 miles to the delivery point. The states served include Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Our goal is to become the world's best at this type of service...instant dispatch, pick-up within an hour, and direct delivery.